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Fluoride Gel Prevention


Fluoride Gel Prevention


Fluoride Gel Prevention

The problem

During childhood, oral hygiene is not done properly, and many times are carried out roughly. This results in caries in the teeth of children. The creation of caries is something we have to prevent especially in childhood and this is because the child will have poor oral hygiene at a very sensitive age.

Fluoride in children is one of the most important prevention treatments at the dentist. The teeth of children until they reach 19 are not fully mineralized, that is, until the age of 19 the enamel has not been perfected and the tooth tissue is generally not completed, this results in a more vulnerable teeth and with the consumption of sugary foods and generally most of which that children eat the tooth will be easier to have caries.

It is our responsibility as dentists to inform parents and their parents, who especially are at an early age should learn to have proper oral hygiene.

Dental prevention must be done to everybody.

What is Fluoride Gel Prevention

Teeth fluoride gel prevention is a method of preventing dental caries that help protect them against dental caries. It can be used in adults or children, but it is mainly used during childhood for the protection of new teeth and in patients prone to caries.

The procedure of tooth fluorination

A thorough cleaning and polishing of the teeth should be done first. The fluorination process is very simple. Put in a splint, fluoride gel (which is available in many flavors), and then put the patient to bite the splint for 1 minute. After removing the splint, for 1 hour the patient should neither eat nor drink water, so as to allow fluoride to have a beneficial effect on the teeth.

The result

It is the re-mineralization of teeth (strengthening the teeth) and their protection against caries (helping to neutralize caries-causing germs).

This results in healthier teeth during the life of each individual.

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